Thursday, February 28, 2008

John McCain: Willie's Time is Over

Political Science professor Jason Johnson from Hiram College spoke to the Cincinnati Enquirer and told them John McCain needs radio talk show listeners and Willie fans to go his way, "John McCain needs those people if he has any hope of winning in November."

With all hubris an aphid can muster and with the assistance of Hiram College Don, Jason Johnson, and tubby Fox goofball Sean Hannity , Willie Cunningham asserts , that John McCain needs him.

Not even close Willie. John McCain has the support of Americans with both oars in the water.

Willie needed John McCain. Just before the obnoxious jerk screwed up the McCain rally, The Enquirer of Cincinnati reports on Willie's slide in the ratings.

Turns out that Willie is getting thumped in the ratings by an African American rival in the Queen City Area and used to McCain gig to boost his flat-lining career with a verbal bat-biting routine.


Why is WDBZ-AM (1230) talk host Lincoln Ware smiling? Not only is he among "the 100 most important radio talk show hosts in America" in Talkers magazine, he's also ranked higher than WLW's Bill Cunningham and Mike McConnell.

"I beat Willie this time," says Ware, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. host.

At No. 59, Ware was third among African-Americans behind Joe Madison (No. 18) of WOL-AM in Washington D.C., and syndicated Bev Smith (No. 41). Talkers, the "bible of talk radio," called Ware "a leading issues talk host in the urban/African-American genre."

Cunningham was No. 69 for his 12:30-3 p.m. weekday show here, and his nationally syndicated 10 p.m. Sunday show.

McConnell, at No. 84, was cited for his syndicated daytime and weekend shows. However, he's been doing a local 9 a.m.-noon program since weekday distribution ended Feb. 1.

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity were first and second.

Willie, Old # 69, is a lightweight pain in the rump with a face for radio. I caught the turnip brained loudmouth on Hannity and Colmes, while channel surfing. He looks like a nun that I taught with before she got fired for being nuts - Willie makes about as much sense as she did as well. Willie makes Colmes look like the late great Edward R. Murrow - and that is no mean trick.

Sean Hannity called Willie 'A Great American.' Well that is Sean Hannity's America - must have some cumulative GPA and a swell GNP - a national diet of Topps Bubble Gum Wafers.

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