Monday, February 04, 2008

John McCain: Vote for John McCain Illinois!

John McCain ran the table - with the three major Chicago area newspaper endorsements.

John McCain is the only candidate of any Party to articulate his own clear leadership on America's struggle against Islamist extremism.

John McCain is a coalition builder and a uniting voice for leading America out of a sliding economy, easing the tax burdens on America's shrinking middle class through common sense tax-cuts and sharp elimation of run-away spending.

John McCain will speak to the issues, listen to his critics, welcome further critcisms, seek wise counsel from the leading American experts on health, Social Security, Defense, Infrastructure, Port and Border Security, Foreign Policy, and Veterans Rights.

John McCain will make the tough decisions and courageously stand by them.

John McCain is the template of the American President.


click my post title for John McCain on all theabove issues and more!

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