Saturday, February 02, 2008

John McCain: Endorsed by Everyone: Mitt Romney: All His Aches in One Basket -Rick Santorum

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In This Corner - Weighing in at the United States of America* - in the Purple (Red and Blue) John McCain!

Robert Mosbacher
Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Texas

Phil Gramm
Former Senator, Texas
Thomas G. Loeffler
Former U.S. Representative, Texas
Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
Sam Brownback
U.S. Senator, Kansas
Jon Huntsman
Governor, Utah
Tim Pawlenty
Governor, Minnesota


The Honorable George Argyros, California
Mr. Michael Ashner, New York
Mr. Brian Ballard, Florida
Mr. Lawrence E. Bathgate II, New Jersey
Mr. Wayne Berman, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Donald L. Bren, California
Mr. John Chambers, California
Mr. Jim Click, Arizona
The Honorable James A. Courter, New Jersey
Mr. Donald R. Diamond, Arizona
Mr. Ray Dalio, Connecticut
Mr. Lewis M. Eisenberg, New Jersey
Mr. Jon Hammes, Wisconsin
Mr. James B. Lee, Jr., New York
The Honorable Frederic V. Malek, Virginia
Mr. John A. Moran, Florida
Mr. Carter Pate, Virginia
Mr. A. Jerrold Perenchio, California
Mr. Fred Smith, Tennesse
Mr. John A. Thain, New York
The Honorable Ronald Weiser, Michigan

Sam Brownback, Kansas
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Susan Collins, Maine
Pete Domenici, New Mexico
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Jon Kyl, Arizona
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
Mel Martinez, Florida
Gordon Smith, Oregon
Olympia Snowe, Maine
John Thune, South Dakota
John Warner, Virginia

Howard Baker, Tennessee
Conrad Burns, Montana
Rudy Boschwitz, Minnesota
Dan Coats, Indiana
Alfonse D'Amato, New York
John C Danforth, Missouri
Dan Evans, Washington
Peter Fitzgerald, Illinois
Slade Gorton, Washington
Phil Gramm, Texas
Trent Lott, Mississippi
Mack Mattingly, Georgia
Don Nickles, Oklahoma
Warren Rudman, New Hampshire
Mike DeWine, Ohio
Howard Baker, Tennessee
Conrad Burns, Montana
Alphonse D'Amato, New York

Spencer Bachus, Alabama
Gus Bilirakis, Florida
Mike Bilirakis, Florida
Mike Castle, Delaware
Tom Davis, Virginia
Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Florida
Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Jim Gerlach, Pennsylvania
Darrell Issa, California
Ric Keller, Florida
Peter King, New York
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Randy Kuhl, New York
Ray LaHood, Illinois
Steven LaTourette, Ohio
Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey
Dan Lungren, California
Jeff Miller, Florida
Todd Platts, Pennsylvania
Chip Pickering, Mississippi
Deborah Pryce, Ohio
Jim Ramstad, Minnesota
Peter Roskam, Illinois
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida
John Shadegg, Arizona
Chris Shays, Connecticut
John Shimkus, Illinois
Fred Upton, Michigan
Joe Wilson, South Carolina
Jeff Miller, Florida

Steve Bartlett, Texas
Jim Courter, New Jersey
Joseph J. DioGuardi, New York
Chuck Douglas, New Hampshire
Ambassador Fred J. Eckert, New York
Lou Frey, Florida
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Steve Kuykendall, California
Tom Loeffler, Texas
Joe Schwartz, Michigan
Rob Simmons, Connecticut
Dick Zimmer, New Jersey

Charlie Crist, Florida
Mitch Daniels, Indiana
Jim Douglas, Vermont
Jon Huntsman, Utah
Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota
Rick Perry, Texas
Arnold Schwarzenegger, California

Paul Cellucci, Massachusetts,
William Clements, Texas
Jim Edgar, Illinois
Tom Kean, New Jersey
Frank Keating, Oklahoma
Jim Martin, North Carolina
John McKernan, Maine
William Milliken, Michigan
Walter Peterson, New Hampshire
Tom Ridge, Pennsylvania
Buddy Roemer, Louisiana
Don Sundquist, Tennessee
Jane Swift, Massachusetts

Dick Wiley, Chairman, Washington D.C.
Stanton Anderson, Washington D.C.
A.B. Culvahouse, Virginia
Hayden Dempsey, Florida
Thomas Leary, Washington D.C., Former Federal Trade Commission Commissioner

George Gallo, Connecticut
Alec Poitevint, Georgia

Winton Blout, III, Alabama
Jean Inman, Massachusetts
Marlys Popma, Iowa

Bill Simon, National Policy Co-Chair

ECONOMIC POLICY ADVISORS Grant Aldonas, Department of Commerce
Carlos Bonilla, Sr VP Washington Group
Jeff Brown, Associate Professor of Finance, Univ of Illinois
Juan Buttari, Independent Consultant and Researcher in Development Economics
Kathleen Cooper, Dean, College of Business, Univ Of North Texas
Steve Davis, CRA International And University Of Chicago Graduate School Of Business
Richard Dekaser, Senior Vice President And Chief Economist, National City Corporation
John Diamond, Edward A. and Hermena Hancock Kelly Fellow in Tax Policy, Baker Institute Of Public Policy, Rice University
Martin Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, President Reagan's Chief Economic Adviser, member of President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Emil Frankel, Transportation Consultant And Former Assistant Secretary For Transportation Policy, Department Of Transportation
Luke Froeb, Professor, Vanderbilt University
Senator Phil Gramm, Former U.S. Senator From Texas
Kevin Hassett, Resident Scholar And Director Of Economic Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute(AEI)
David John, Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation
Tim Kane, Director, Center for International Trade and Economics, Heritage Foundation
Melissa Kearney, Assistant Professor Of Economics, University Of Maryland
Anne Krueger, Professor At The Johns Hopkins School Of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) & Former First Deputy Managing Director, IMF
Adam Lerrick, Visiting Scholar For The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) And Friends Of Allan H. Meltzer Professor Of Economics For Carnegie Mellon
Phil Levy, Resident Scholar for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Former Senior Economist for Trade on the President's Council of Economic Advisers
Will Melick, Gensemer Associate Professor of Economics, Kenyon College
Michael Moore, Professor Of Economics And International Affairs, George Washington University
Tom Miller, Resident Fellow for American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Tim Muris, Foundation Professor, George Mason University School Of Law, Former Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission
Sean O'Keefe, Former Secretary Of The Navy, NASA Administrator, & Deputy Director Of Office of Management & Budget, The White House
Gerry Parsky, Senior Economic Advisor
Nancy Pfotenhauer, Former President, Independent Women's Forum
James Rill, Partner, Howrey LLP and Former Assistant Attorney General (Antitrust), U.S. Department of Justice
Kenneth Rogoff, Professor Of Public Policy, Harvard University
Harvey Rosen, Professor Of Economics And Business Policy, Princeton University
John Silvia, Managing Director, Chief Economist, Wachovia Bank
Aquiles Suarez, Vice President For Government Affairs For National Association Of Industrial And Office Properties & Former Special Assistant To The President For Domestic Policy
Dr. John Taylor, Professor Of Economics At Stanford, Senior Fellow At The Hoover Institution & Former Under Secretary Of Treasury
Anthony Villamil, Chief Executive Officer, The Washington Economics Group, Inc. & Former Under Secretary Of Commerce For Economic Affairs
Joseph Wright, Chairman Of The Board For Intelsat
Mark Zandi, Chief Economist For Moody's Economy.Com
Delaware Leaders
Georgia Leaders
Colorado Leaders
Maine Leaders
Minnesota Leaders
Montana Leaders
West Virginia Leaders
Oklahoma Leaders
New Jersey Leaders
New York Leaders
Connecticut Leaders
North Dakota Leaders
South Carolina Leaders
California Leaders
New Hampshire Leaders
Tennessee Leaders
Florida Leaders


Former Secretaries of State
Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Former Secretary of State
Alexander M. Haig, Former Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, New York
George P. Shultz, Former Secretary of State, California

Former Cabinet Secretaries
Jack Kemp, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Former U.S. Representative, New York
Ann McLaughlin Korologos, Former Secretary of Labor, DC
Robert Mosbacher, Former Secretary of Commerce, Texas
Peter Peterson, Former Secretary of Commerce, New York
Anthony Principi, Former Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Maryland
Former Governor Tom Ridge, Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania
James R. Schlesinger, Former Secretary of Defense

Former National Security Officials
Tom Kean, 9/11 Commission Chairman, New Jersey
Robert C. "Bud" McFarlane, Former National Security Advisor, Washington, DC
R. James Woolsey Jr., Former CIA Director
Robert Inman, Former National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the CIA

Former Army Generals
Norman Schwarzkopf, General U.S. Army (Ret.)
Click here to read the endorsements of over 100 Admirals and Generals.

Former Navy Secretaries
William Ball, Former Secretary of the Navy, South Carolina
John Lehman, Former Secretary of the Navy, New York

Former Ambassadors
Chuck Cobb, Former Ambassador, Florida
Sue Cobb, Former Ambassador, Florida
Fred Eckert, Former Ambassador, North Carolina
Fred Malek, Former Ambassador, Virginia
Ron Weiser, Former Ambassador, Michigan
Al Hoffman, Former Ambassador, Florida
Otto Juan Reich, Former Ambassador, Florida

Commander Everett Alvarez, (ret), Maryland
Al Carpenter (ret), Virginia
Captain Mike Cronin USN (ret), Maryland
Colonel Bud Day, MOH USAF (ret), Florida
Commander Paul Galanti USN (ret), Virginia
Lt Colonel Orson Swindle USMC (ret), Virginia
Click here to read about more military Veterans who support John McCain.

John Chambers, CEO of Cisco
Carly Fiorina, Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard
Steve Forbes
James Huffines, Banking Executive
David Pottruck, Chairman of Red Eagle Ventures
Frederick W. Smith, CEO of FedEx
Dax Swatek, President of Swatek and Associates
John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch

Bill Barr
Griffin Bell
Mike Bowers, Georgia
Steve Carter, Indiana
Richard Cullen, Virginia
Troy King, Alabama
Jerry Kilgore, Virginia
Rob McKenna, Washington
Henry McMaster, South Carolina
Mark Shurtleff, Utah
Wayne Stenehjem, North Dakota

Theodore B. Olson

Mark Hammond, South Carolina

Randy Daniels, New York
Jim Smith, Florida

Glenn McConnell, South Carolina President Pro Tempore

Bill Baroni, New Jersey
Michael S. Bennett, Florida
Lee Constantine, Florida
Joseph Delahunty, New Hampshire
John Gallus, Michigan
Anthony Guglielmo, Connecticut
Jim King, Florida
Hugh Leatherman, South Carolina
John E. Lyons, Jr., New Hampshire
Michelle McManus, Michigan
Kevin O'Toole, New Jersey
Durell Peaden, Florida
Randy Richardville, Michigan
Robert Watson, Rhode Island

Kevin Elsenheimer, Assistant Minority Leader, Michigan
Kevin Green, Minority Whip Leader, Michigan
Bobby Harrell, Speaker of the House, South Carolina
Ric Killian, Republican Freshman Leader, North Carolina
Jim Merrill, House Majority Leader, South Carolina
Doug Smith, Speaker Pro Tempore, South Carolina
Josh Tardy, House Leader, Maine
Chris Ward, Minority Floor Leader, Michigan

Bob Brown, Former Senate President, Montana

Rick Johnson, Former House Speaker, Michigan
Chuck Perricone, Former House Speaker, Michigan

Ellyn Bogdanoff, Florida
Jason Brown, Missouri
Judy Emmons, Michigan
Marcelo Llorente, Florida
Carlos Lopez-Cantera, Florida
Stand Jordan, Florida
Brian Calley, Michigan
Adam Hasner, Florida
Fred King, Sr., New Hampshire
John Labruzzo, Louisiana
David Law, Michigan
John Legg, Florida
David P. Rible, New Jersey
David Russo, New Jersey
David Russo, New Jersey
Chris Saxman, Virginia
David Simmons, Florida
Glenn Steil, Jr., Michigan
Eric Stohl, New Hampshire
Robert Watson, Rhode Island
Trebor Worthen, Oklahoma
Lorence Wenke, Michigan

Rudy Giuliani, New York
Tommy Joe Alexander, Irondale, Alabama
Carlos Alvarez, Florida
George Andersen, Iowa
Rick Anderson, Iowa
Ron Colling, Iowa
Nelson Crabb, Iowa
Rich Crotty, Florida
Darrell Dobernecker, Iowa
Darrell Downs, Iowa
Thomas Ginger, Iowa
Sandra Hatfield, Iowa
Jim Heavens, Iowa
Dave Kleis, Minnesota
Dennis Kunkle, Iowa
Rick Lott, Florida
John Meserve, Florida
Virgil Murray, Iowa
John Nieland, Iowa
Reynold Peterson, Iowa
Ruth Randleman, Iowa
Steve Samuels, Iowa
Bernie Streeter, New Hampshire
Bob Walkup, Arizona
Ed Winborn, Iowa

Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County Sheriff
John S. Dempsey, Captain, NYC Police Department (Ret.)

Tom Kean, Former 9/11 Commission Chairman
Frank Keating, Former Oklahoma Governor
Robert "Bud" McFarlane, Former National Security Advisor for President Ronald Reagan
Mr. Edward D. Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York City
Tom Ridge, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
[read more]

Mayor Carlos Alvarez, Florida
Honorable Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Florida

Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
Pastor Mark Gonzalez, Texas
Honorable Manuel Lujan, New Mexico
Mr. Tony Orlando, Florida
Honorable Illeana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida
Mr. Solomon D. Trujillo, Colorado
Major General Freddy Valenzuela, Florida
Honorable Albert C. Zapanta, Texas
[read more]

Bernie Machen, President, University of Florida

Bruce Ash, Arizona
Sharon Giese, Arizona
Jerry Lathan, Alabama John Matlusky, Delaware
Alec Poitevint, Georgia
Mary Jo Arndt, Illinois
Steve Cloud, Kansas
Alicia Salisbury, Kansas
Gary Emineth, North Dakota
Mary Jean Jensen, South Dakota
Chuck Yob, Michigan
Holly Hughes, Michigan

Former Commissioners
Michael Powell, FCC

Curt Schilling, Pitcher, Boston Redsox
Sylvester Stallone

And in this Corner - weighing in with Former Pennsylvannia Senator Rick Santorum** - wearing the Albino Conservative Weight Trunks -The Flyweight Willard Mitt Romney

Are You Ready to . . .what am I looking for? . . . Boggle? Scrabble? Knit with Mitt?
Count the Lights? Jump the Shark? Surf the Channels? Do the Hustle? . . . dang! Nap Time. I'll be back.

** Added to Willard Mitt Romney's weight is Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Joe 'No Statute of Limitations' Scarborough, Hughie Hewitt, and Terry Jeffrey


  1. I think that you have got it covered Mistah Pat. I think that those Albino Afterthoughts will be commiserating with Crack ho Coulter,the Hannity Hasbeen and the O'Reilly Outcast.

  2. Despite the feeble attempts by Fox News, Rush 'Oxi-Contin' Limbaugh, Sean "Romney & Colmes" Hannity, John McCain IS the only choice for Republicans. Rick 'I am a LOSER' Santorum who got his ass handed to him in 2006, is just a SORE LOSER. Who went out of his way in 2006 to go to PA and try to help save that moron Santorum? No other than John McCain.

  3. Anonymous3:14 AM

    McCain endorsed? It's called insanity right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? McCain runs around making deals within the establishment in return for their support. We send another arrogant career politician back to DC, who has already been there for 25 years (anyone impressed?), as Pres he has to return all of the endorsement favors. Is this progress?

  4. Yes, Progress:the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.

    Yes, By Johnny, You've Got it!

    That's the ticket - a gradual understanding of what everyone else knows!
