Wednesday, January 02, 2008

McCainiacs! Get on the Wonkosphere!

It took decades for Blogger Pat Hickey to master the fact that carburetor no longer plays a role in auto motives, but he easily came to understand the power of the WONKOSPHERE!

Boys and Girls, take this from a fundamentally 'challenged' individual. My wife used to order a drop cloth for me whenever we dined; turned off the circuit breaker before I was allowed to change light bulbs ( nothing over 40 Watts -mind you.); and counted the change for me at Illinois Tollbooths.

I am now on the Wonkosphere - a mathematically charged site that assesses the information on the individual and collective political worlds of all the candidates in this Political Season. My oyster cracker of a mind reels at this Brave New World!

Qui Prospero?

Sheridan Folger - The MadIrishman of New England has brought John McCain's message onto the Wonkosphere. I had a recent post listed as well.

However The Best Man to Lead America in the War on Islamist Terror shows weak BUZZ.

All John McCain Bloggers- if you have NOT registered on the Wonkosphere, DO SO NOW!
Let's get the McCain BUZZ SAW Humming! Click on my Post and get on the Wonkosphere - ASAP! I did it and only cut four fingers.

The bleeding has stopped - thanks for the good thoughts.

Move Kiddies - McCain needs more Buzz!


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hey, thanks for the Name Drop. LOL.
    yer blog rocks. Hopefully once our man is in the Big House on the Hill I can devote some time to my own to catch up with ye.

    P.S. Got the good ol' press credentails. I'll be live webcasting from the spin room along with Brad, keep an eye out. Also I'll be on the bus again with McCain this weekend for No Surrender Part II.



  2. Go with God, My Son!
