Monday, January 14, 2008

McCain- Maverick GOP Milliken Endorses the Best Man!

With hours to go Wolverines, John McCain calls Michigan to listen to Staight Talk and gostraight into the voting booths tomorrow.

Mcihigan may well decide the course America takes in the War on Islamist Terror and support the man best qualified to unite all Americans.

One Michigan Man, who was Mitt Romney's father's Lt. Governor, William Milliken is backing John McCain.

(click my post title for the full story)

William Milliken stated,

"Sen. McCain has demonstrated the quality of saying what he means and meaning what he says," said Milliken, 85, who also endorsed McCain in 2000 and dismayed GOP loyalists in 2004 by endorsing Democrat John Kerry over President Bush.

Milliken, who was Michigan's longest-serving governor, from 1969-1982, had pointed words for Romney, who was Massachusetts' governor from 2003-2007.

"I was a great admirer of his father," Milliken said. "But Mitt Romney has been a disappointment to me because he has changed his socially responsible positions he took as governor of Massachusetts. I don't have the respect for him that I had for his father."

Milliken, who favors abortion rights, singled out Romney's conversion from pro-choice to pro-life. McCain has long been opposed to abortion. The former governor said McCain has taken a moderate position on immigration and has been a champion for environmental issues as an Arizona senator.

"He's played a very responsible role in this immigration issue; he hasn't demagogued it," Milliken said. "And he says we have to confront global warming."

Milliken noted he differs with McCain on the war in Iraq, which he called "a tragic mistake." McCain has been

Make the difference with McCain, Michigan!

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