Tuesday, January 01, 2008

McCain Bloggers Live with Brad Marston! Jan.5th

Great Photos by Sheridan Folger!Faugh A Ballagh

M. Brad Marston, National Chair McCainVictory08 asks,

"What have you done today to make you feel Proud?"

Here's an opportunity on Saturday, January 5th Brad is credentialed for the Spin Room at the upcoming ABC News/Facebook Debate. Brad will be Live Blogging/Webcasting live from 6pm (EST) until Midnight on Saturday January 5th from the Spin Room at St. Anselm's Colege in Manchester NH.

John McCain's lead internet Campaign Worker, Brad Marston, will be at the live chat at www.azamatterofact.com Link there and join Brad and all the National Team McCainiacsincluding yours truly in support of the Senator John McCain for President. Bard Marston is the host of azamatterofact.blogspot.com

Make your Voice Heard! Talk Straight! Get Answers.

The link is http://azamatterofact.blogspot.com/2007/12/live-webcastchatblog-from-spin-room-at.html

Click my post title for the direct link! McCain is GO! He ran the table with New Hampshire Endorsements; Spent Not Nickle One on Ads in Iowa; Has opponents shooting themselves squarely in each foot; and Americans are energized by Straight Talk!
What would Howard Dean Say? Oh, sorry that was cruel. New Year and I'm still a mean little bastard.

Note - Well done to all Good Souls who took the side of Sgt. Michael McNulty over the oafish lawyer Jay R Grodner yesterday!Way to end the Year by spanking a bully and a louse! Well done Bill Burden of BLACKFIVE.COM!


  1. Pat,

    Thanks so much for the plug. The news seems to be spreading fast about the webcast which is great!

    Thanks to you and other bloggers we are getting the word out. I am not exactly sure how many participants the webcast will support so I have also downloaded CoverItLive which I used with great success live-blogging the last debate.

    If anyone can't get in to the link you mentioned in your post, on Saturday January 5th they can also go to www.azamatterofact.com and click on the CoverItLive chat room there. I will be live blogging from both.

    Again, Thank you.

  2. Hey Pat,
    Check out this article and see if the video is one of ours:
    http://hotair.com/archives/2008/01/new-mccain-ad-its-the-jihad-stupid/ I would have emailed I didn't know which one you would answer.
