Sunday, January 13, 2008

McCain Battles Mitt, Milkey, Molbermann, MSNBC in Michigan

After the shabby treatment afforded to Senator John McCain by the MSNBC on the Night of his Victory in the New Hampshire Primary, the same geniuses who predicted the Obama landslide and Hillary Clinton's - Exit - Stage Left have conducted a poll (click my post title)that gives Mittles Romney the lead in Michigan. Cum Grano Salis as the Old Romans used to say about the stuff left behind in a cow pasture!

Monumental Mope - Keefe Olberman and Milkey Matthews were set back on their pins in New Hampshire. McCain rolled over Mittles.

My unscientific and pedestrian poll of a long stretch of street in Niles Michigan yesterday gave Senator McCain a comfortable lead over everyone: ( from yesterday's post)

The stretch of Michigan streets that my Thom McCann Easy Comfort Middle Age Guy Loafers trod upon - Beeson Road, north of Route 12 - twenty one of twenty four households happily voiced their support of John McCain.

Most impressive was Jim Ringler and his family. They asked more questions of me than any other household and offered that 'John McCain is the only real candidate with experience in every aspect of qualification to be President.'

Jim Durkin's crew worked well into the late afternoon.

Just to make sure we get more Michigan folks aware of the Straight Talk Townhall tomorrow - DIGGGG This!!!

For all Wolverines in Western Michigan! Senator John McCain will host a Townhall Meeting -

When -MONDAY @ 9:45 AM on JANUARY 14,2008

Where:Kalamazoo Christian High School
2121 Stadium Drive
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Come on Wolverines! Hit the polls on Tuesday for John McCain and give the POLLS and MSNBC another kick in the britches


  1. Hi Pat!

    Greetings from a fellow Republican-backer.

    Romney's on a roll, he can beat those Michigan blues:

  2. Hey Mistah Pat,
    McCain is going to open up a good old fashioned can of whoop a#* on Romney and all he'll see is a#% holes and elbows.
