Monday, January 07, 2008

John McCain Understands Tom Boyle in New Hampshire and Yellow Ribbons in St. Cajetan's Parish

"If I didn't vote for a Democrat," Tom Boyle said, "[McCain] is the only Republican I feel I could support."

Brother Boyle, many of us traditional Democrats - the folks the Progressives pigeonhole and calumniate in their Snob-Speak as 'close-knit, Ethnic' code for middle class Catholics and Jews - are warm to John McCain's Straight Talk and Non-Profit Patriotism.

We are the people with yellow ribbons on the trees on our blocks - tributes to the little boys and girls who played sewer-to sewer Wiffle Ball and are now wearing Kevlar in Iraq and Afghanistan; the people whom the academics and media ridicule in
newspaper 'impact series' that pick scabs of racism or the War; and we are the people paying the taxes for the entitlements and pork-spending: Pipefitters, Electricians, Stationary Engineers & etc. who also pay for the disastrous Public schools while sending our children to private schools.

I hear you Mr. Boyle. So does John McCain.

Click on my post title for more on voters like Tom Boyle flocking to John McCain.

Courtney Greve wrote a wonderful report on the St. Cajetan Parish Tribute to Heroes held in our Parish on Saturday January 5th - the night of the First McCain Debate Victory.

Read this great Courtney Greve's wonderfully poignant article from the Southtown Star about the very people whom John McCain understands and respects.,010608soldiermass.article

1 comment:

  1. You are spot on Mistah Pat.McCain is lucky to have you as are all of us.Keep up the GOOD work sweey guy.
