Friday, January 18, 2008

John McCain - This is what it's all about

John McCain hooked me in his 2000 go around. After being torn apart in South Carolina in the one of nastiest Primary fights in memory ( Aside from this year's Democratic race - wait until it really takes off, Kids), John McCain dusted himself off and returned to service.

In this race, assailed by the Disney Channel Rejects spinning the news at MSNBC - clowns like the most fatuous blowhard in short-pants - Keith Olbermann and switch-hitting sycophants like Chris 'Milkey' Matthews -or Ross Perot the Jug Eared Midget Millionaire who bored a hole through America for President, Rambis ( Rambos without the resume), John McCain has connected with Americans.
In South Carolina, when others are frying squirrels on hot-plates, tossing snowballs like they were boulders, or cozying up to goofs like Hannity and Colmes, John McCain remains dignified, honorable, tough-minded and human. Like the little girl above with the tricycle - she can't vote, but McCain has time for her.

Asked about the POW Smear from the Rambis, McCain offered - 'it hurts a bit.'

The Hanoi Hilton was not the Peninsula or the Four Seasons, either.

Click my post title for John McCain's understated heroism.

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