Tuesday, January 15, 2008

John McCain - Supported by Independents

Roland Dodds offers some great insights to John McCain's appeal to all Americans:

Sure, a number of Republican candidates claim to have supported the Surge from the start as well, but no one attached themselves to the policy like McCain did. McCain has linked his chances for the Presidency directly to the idea that Iraq must be won, and must be free. He held to that position even when it was considered suicide to his campaign, and so publicly supported Petraeus' plan that he must have known that it would sink his political career if it failed. It has not, and even leading Democrats are coming to terms with its miraculous turnaround in a conflict many had assumed was lost.

I have made it clear on this blog and in conversations with friends and family that my vote will go to the candidate that supports the fight for democracy in Iraq, and will not abandon the Kurds to be slaughtered yet again. I can forgive some of McCain’s decisions throughout his career and the way he has pandered to religious conservatives in recent months, and I can effortlessly when I consider what democracy promotion will look like if someone like Obama or Edwards is elected.

The War on Terror and the fight for liberal democracy may be nothing more than a bumper sticker slogan to some on the left, but it means something to me. If we surrender freedom to the forces of theocracy and totalitarianism overseas, we do not deserve to call ourselves democrats at home.

Sound talk from a sound American!

Michigan, this is your time! Vote for John McCain!

Sure it's cold, but you Wolverines are tough folks - as tough as John McCain! That's a tall order,but you can fillit!


  1. 'Aliens For John McCain'
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    Show your Support for John McCain!!!

  2. Thanks for the plug, and keep up the fight!

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