Sunday, January 06, 2008

John McCain - Primary Source for Truth; Mitt Romney - Cliffs Notes

Mitt's Lead Blogger had this to say about John McCain's Dramatic Lead in the Polls!

I noticed that Mitt's Video Rangers are using You-Tube Video Cuts of Gottacha McCain!

Click my post title for the transcript of NBC's Meet the Press.

I was always a read the book guy over the Cliffs Notes crowd - that is why I am one of McCain's guys.

Click on my post title for John McCain on Meet the Press


  1. That is hilarious Mistah Pat. You sure you aren't a comedian on the side?

  2. No. my Dear Woman, I am a confirmed Tragedian on my back!

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    When are the Illinois primaries?

  4. The Il. Primary was moved up from March 18th to the current date of February 5th, 2008.

    Thanks for asking my friend!
