Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pat Hickey - Short on Brains, But a Terrific Dancer: A Portrait in Pencil by B. Kliban

In the mid-1970's, I was employed as a model for celebrated cartoonist B. Kliban. He said, " I can't give you any money, but I can make this moment immortal. Enjoy.'

Thus, I have this pencil sketched time capsule of my chiselled good looks in youth.

As always, click on my post title for more on the quiet genius of the later part of the last century - B. Kliban. It was like finding a photograph for me.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    that's fantastic. you lucky dog.

  2. I've been a Kliban fan since the eighties. John McCain? Seriously?
    Guessing you might be a terrific dancer.

  3. Stentor,

    The anguish was exquisite - knowing the charming albeit empty young State Senator Obama pushed this life-long old timey Democrat into the withered arms of quiter McCain - who stopped running for the White House in Sept. 2008 when the economy tanked.

    And, yes, . . .My Buck'N Wing is matched only by the sweep and majesty of my Hornpipe.

  4. I received "Never Eat Anything Bigger THan Your Head" in 1974, and my life was never the same.
