Monday, October 08, 2007

Jesse's Shakedown Sleepover!

Jams! Popcorn! Pop! Movies! ( Mean Girls, Legally Blond 1 & 2, Mask 1 &2,Stand by Me, Scary Movie 1,2,3,4, 5) Scary Stories! Mary Worth in the Mirror! Building Cool Forts! at Ickes Homes on Tuesday
This is not about shameless publicity for the eclipsed Patriarch of Pecuniary Power strivers!

This is not an attempt to reap a financial windfall ( well, maybe a book deal, movie, MTV video, corporate sponsorship? Naw. that well done dried up!)

This is not about tinsel and foil symbolic gestures - like Bono and Oprah's Red shopping spree on Michigan Ave. to bring Famine to its knees!

This is about A SLEEPOVER!

If I appear to be making light of this - I am. This will be about as effective as Jesse Jackson gets - and about as meaningful that he has been in the impact on the lives of black Americans these more than forty years. Breadbasket to PUSH - nothing has changed. The Family Businesses have done just swimmingly, but folks are being left in the vortex of Jackson Enterprise Whirlpool. Vietnamese Boat People have kids at Harvard; Mexican immigrant Vietnam Vets see their grandchildren living in Winnetka; West Indian carpenter apprentices moved out of the apartments behind Leo High School and have their own wood trim finishing businesses up in Wicker Park. How's that? Burge didn't whack all those folks - shucks, he blew town before WMAQ's Renee Ferguson's interviewee had his first dope pinch. Real Dopes like Chris Matthews and O'Reilly and Hannity and Skelator Colmes will be glad to prop up Harold Hill of Broken Dreams All Week on TV! Sleep over? Why not.

Here is the question everyone is asking - IS AL COMING TO YOUR SLEEP OVER, Jesse? Invite everyone - not just the cool kids!

Cool time at Ickes - despite the name.

Click Title for Shamus Toomey's Invitation to Media - best believe they'll be jammied up, carrying Twister and the little hands stuffed with plush puppies!

Tribune Update: Oct. 8,2007

Man shot, killed near Ickes Homes
Tribune staff report
7:59 AM CDT, October 8, 2007
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An unidentified man was shot and killed this morning outside a public housing complex near Chinatown, Chicago police said.

The man, believed to be in his 30s, was shot in the head, according to a spokesman for the Cook County medical examiner's office.

The shooting occurred about 5:50 a.m. outside the Harold Ickes Homes at 23rd and State Streets, police said.

Al Sharpton, grab the Greyhoud to Chi - the Old Cut-Purse caught you nappin'!

Further details were unavailable this morning.

Should be a Full Jackson Press on Tuesday! If Pope Benedict gets goosed by Lindsay Lohan, he won't see no ink!

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