Monday, August 06, 2007

Sun Times Works on Tomorrow's Headlines

After seconds of soul-searching and with the immediate and whole-hearted approval of Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Loevy and the Police Undermine Nasty Killers Society P.U.N.K.S. - The Editorial Board of the New Chicago Sun Times :The Working Man's Pal Decided on Tomorrow's Banner Headline: Immediate Above - Being crafted by an Outsourced Tagger artist from Seattle, as Pulitzer Prize winning Cartoonist Jack Higgins is ' not a Working Man's Pal' according to Editor Commisar Cheryl reed in recent Chicago Reader Propaganda piece.

'There will no longer be a need to offer a smarmy positing of 'While Most Officers are Good and blah, blah, blah Yadda, yadda, yadda & etc.. . .' the wedgier CST will boldly smear all Police Officers - Why Waste Time? Time is Money.,CST-NWS-taser06.article
As long as the Chicago Sun Times can get out in front of a story like the unfortunate Mr. Johnson, who seems to have seriously overplayed his hand on Saturday Night, and scare up more taxpayer dollars for Jon Loevy and other Buzzard Barristers,
it seems like the right thing to do.

N.B. Again, standing in for the Carrion Consuming Counsel, Jon Loevy, is the estimable thespian, Mr. Andy Dick, whose manly bearing and chisled good looks strikingly mirror those of Chicago's Lawsuit Lotto Ticket Lawyer. 'Show Me a Cop and I'll Show YOU the Money! - Your Neighbors' Money - Or, well, it was your neighbors' money , but screw them!'

Loevy's a Honey; ain't he folks?

P.U.N.K.S. are better off today because of the Working Man's Pal doing the coal heaving for Jon Loevy and his ilk!

Al Sharpton is in Jena, LA but will be back for seconds on Taxpayers Dollars in the Suites and Streets: The Chicago Tonic!

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