Saturday, June 23, 2007

You are Invited to Keegan's Pub for My Book Signing and These Two Are Not!

'Look Sweetheart, we're banned and I guess that's the end of it with these people - I know you want to go back in there, but you are with me and with me you will stay . . . Right? Look you go to that clown's book signing at Keegan's Pub after I've been turned away and . . . Now, this elephant wants to crowd us off the curb - this day just gets better and better!'

'Hickey's kids do not like you - now, when I put you down . . . take it on the arches . . . and do not try to get back in, Andy - I gotta say Mass at 5:30 today!'

As of this morning, with one week to go, folks were getting ready for June 30th's Pat Hickey Book Signing at Keegan's Pub! The two clowns above are not invited due to the intrinsically flawed natures both males deport in commerse with their sisters and brothers of human species.

All the rest of us can be assured of cold beverages, spicy Italian deli cuts from Calabria Imports here in Beverly, tingling conversation and the warmth of good fellowship. The Book Signing starts at 2PM, but Bernard Callaghan opens the doors wide open at Noon on Saturdays. We will have books for sale and free gifts to dole out to all who attend.

The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War by Pat Hickey will be sold by the Beautiful Allison Platt, owner and proprietor of The Bookies Paperbacks and More.

Keegan's Pub
10618 South Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 233-6829

The Bookies Paperbacks and More
2419 W 103rd St
Chicago, IL
(773) 239-1110

See you all on June 30th! Pay no attention to the two mopes on the outside; they would do as much for you!


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    You could sell your book on the norh side today. Big crowds, are you on the keegan float today?

  2. My fifteen foot feather boa is still not ready and Mr. Swifty has had it for more than week - nothing to wear!
